In a much-anticipated reveal, Ajay Devgn shared the first look poster of Ravi Teja starrer “Mr. Bachchan,” confirming the film as an official adaptation of the Bollywood hit “Raid.” The news had been circulating, but it was only today that Ravi Teja officially confirmed the rumors with a cryptic response, putting an end to the speculations.
The original film, directed by Raj Kumar Gupta and featuring Ajay Devgn in the lead, was a box office success, grossing Rs 153.62 crore worldwide. Now, “Mr. Bachchan” is set to bring this gripping narrative to Telugu audiences, with Ravi Teja stepping into the shoes of the legendary Amitabh Bachchan.
The first look poster, shared by Ajay Devgn, showcases Ravi Teja seated on a scooter, flawlessly emulating Amitabh Bachchan’s iconic hairstyle. The tagline on the poster intriguingly reads, “Naam toh suna hoga” (The name must have been heard). Devgn expressed his excitement about the project, writing, “This is going to be #MrBachchan.” Ravi Teja, in response, thanked Ajay Devgn for the wishes and confirmed the Raid remake, stating, “The team is RAIDing high to begin the journey :)) #MrBachchan.”
Fans took to social media to share their enthusiasm, with one stating, “DHF Bachchan Fan Doing a Bacchan Role. Gonna be his Most Memorable Character. #MrBachchan.” Another expressed eagerness to witness Tollywood’s rendition of Amitabh Bachchan on the big screen.
Directed by Harish Shankar, “Mr. Bachchan” marks the third collaboration between Ravi Teja and the director after “Shock” and “Mirapakay.” Additionally, it introduces Bhagyashri Borse to the Telugu film industry, making her debut after appearing in “Yaariyan 2.” The film is scheduled to hit theaters in 2024, promising a unique take on the acclaimed narrative of “Raid” for Telugu cinema enthusiasts.