As the holiday season approaches, television networks are gearing up to spread festive cheer with a lineup of Christmas specials. Among the anticipated shows is the Christmas edition of “Kitchen Impossible,” premiering on the first Sunday of Advent. This popular cooking show, hosted by Tim Mälzer, takes on a yuletide twist as he teams up with renowned chef Johann Lafer for a culinary challenge. The duo competes against chefs Tim Raue and Hans Neuner, with both teams tasked to create star-level Christmas dishes in locations ranging from the Polish capital Warsaw to the island of Malta.
In addition to “Kitchen Impossible,” other TV formats are joining the holiday festivities with their own Christmas specials. “The Lion’s Den – Finally Christmas,” scheduled for December 11th on VOX, sees founders presenting festive business ideas to the intimidating panel of investors. Entrepreneurs hope to secure necessary investments and expertise from the likes of Dagmar Wöhrl, Ralf Dümmel, Nils Glagau, Tillman Schulz, and Carsten Maschmeyer.
“Let’s Dance – The Big Christmas Show” will grace screens on December 22nd on RTL. Featuring the winner of the 2023 “Let’s Dance” season, Anna Ermakova, the show promises a spectacular display of dance alongside past champions and fan favorites. The couples will dance to Christmas songs, vying for the title of “Christmas Dancing Star 2023” and a cash prize of 10,000 euros for a charitable cause.
Prime Video’s “LOL: Last One Laughing – XMAS Special” adds a comedic touch to the holiday season. Hosted by Michael Bully Herbig, this festive offshoot features well-known faces, including Anke Engelke, Bastian Pastewka, Carolin Kebekus, Teddy Teclebrhan, Martina Hill, Kurt Krömer, Michelle Hunziker, and Rick Kavanian. Contestants aim to keep a straight face under the theme “Silent Night. Nobody smiles at you,” competing in teams for the “LOL–XMAS” trophy and a charitable donation of 50,000 euros.
Closing the Christmas special lineup is “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The Christmas Special” on December 26th at 8:15 p.m. Hosted by Günther Jauch, this quiz show will feature eight contestants sharing their best Christmas stories. In a winter-decorated studio, participants can choose between risk and safety variants, with an additional joker from the Christmas tree up for grabs.
As the holiday season unfolds, these Christmas specials promise to entertain audiences with a mix of culinary delights, entrepreneurial pitches, dance extravaganzas, comedic moments, and quiz show excitement. Get ready for a festive television experience like no other.