Cong Chief Mallikarjun Kharge Slams Govt Over Rising Crimes Against Dalits, Tribals

Headline: Congress President Kharge Accuses Modi Government of Fueling Crimes Against Dalits and Tribals

Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge launched a scathing attack on the Modi government on Friday, accusing it of fostering a surge in crimes against Dalits and tribals across the country. Kharge asserted that these alarming statistics are not mere numbers but a reflection of the BJP’s deliberate strategy to divide society.

In a Hindi post on X, Kharge stated, “The latest report from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is not merely statistics, it is the BJP’s record of making the life of the SC-ST community unsafe.” He went on to allege that injustice, atrocities, and repression have been integral to the BJP’s conspiratorial agenda of societal division over the past decade.

Highlighting the continuous oppression faced by Dalits and tribals, Kharge emphasized the hypocrisy of the BJP-RSS. In support of his claims, he shared a post revealing a disturbing 46.11 percent increase in crimes against Dalits since 2013 and a staggering 48.15 percent rise in crimes against tribals.