In a devastating turn of events, Laura Lynch, a founding member of the iconic music group Dixie Chicks, lost her life in a car crash in Hudspeth County on Friday evening.
The fatal incident occurred at approximately 5:45 p.m. on US 62, Mile Post 74, 7.46 Miles West of Cornudas. According to investigators, a 2022 Dodge Ram 1500 was traveling westbound on US 62 near mile marker 74. Concurrently, Lynch was behind the wheel of a 2016 Ford F-150 heading eastbound on the same highway.
The driver of the Dodge Ram, in an attempt to pass another vehicle on a two-way undivided portion of US 62, veered into the eastbound lane, resulting in a head-on collision with Lynch’s vehicle.
Tragically, the impact led to the Dodge Ram catching fire and coming to rest on the westbound lane, while Lynch’s Ford became inoperable, positioned in the eastbound lane. Emergency responders pronounced Lynch dead at the scene.
The driver of the Dodge Ram was transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, providing a somber contrast to the irreparable loss suffered by the music community with Lynch’s passing.
The circumstances surrounding the crash are currently under investigation as authorities work to piece together the events leading to this heartbreaking incident. The news of Laura Lynch’s untimely demise has sent shockwaves through the music industry, leaving fans and colleagues mourning the loss of a talented artist and founding member of the Dixie Chicks.