Beloved actor Ken Hudson Campbell, best known for his role in “Home Alone,” recently underwent a 10-hour surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from his mouth. His daughter, Michaela, shared with PEOPLE that the procedure was successful, with surgeons removing lymph nodes, a significant part of his jaw bone, and even using a portion of his leg bone for jaw reconstruction.
Currently recovering in the ICU, Campbell is reportedly in good spirits, breathing on his own, and no further chemotherapy is needed as the cancer has been completely removed. The next phase of his treatment involves radiation therapy, set to begin in a month, with an expected six-month recovery period.
Michaela expressed that her family, including her mother Kathleen and brother Richard, will be actively involved in his care during this challenging time. However, they are open to additional assistance if needed, including potential post-op care support.
One of the anticipated difficulties in Campbell’s recovery is the potential loss of speech, making speech therapy a crucial aspect of his rehabilitation. Michaela emphasized that they are taking it one step at a time, considering additional care options based on his level of need.
Ahead of Campbell’s surgery, Michaela initiated a GoFundMe campaign to assist with various expenses related to his recovery, including physical and speech therapy, medical equipment, dental implants, and caregiving. The response has been overwhelming, surpassing the $100,000 goal, with contributions from stars like Steve Carell, Jeff Garlin, Tim Meadows, and others.
Michaela expressed her gratitude for the outpouring of support, noting that her family has faced financial struggles, and the assistance received has significantly relieved the burden. Campbell, touched by the love and kindness shown, has reportedly been emotional and deeply appreciative of the support during this challenging time.