Bangalore, Karnataka: Kannada actor Srimurali is set to celebrate his birthday on December 17th by connecting directly with his fans. In a video that quickly went viral on social media, the actor expressed his gratitude and explained the reason behind his decision to forgo a traditional birthday party this year.
In the video message, Srimurali conveyed, “Hello everyone. Unfortunately, I couldn’t celebrate my birthday with you this year, and you know the reasons. I’m grateful for your love and support, so this time, I’ve decided to meet you all in person on December 17th, after 10:30 am at Devaraj Aras Bhavan, Miller’s Road, Ambedkar Bhavan, Vasant Nagar.”
The actor humbly requested his fans not to bring garlands or gifts and urged them not to spend money on such gestures. Instead, he suggested considering charity or donating to an orphanage if they felt inclined. Emphasizing that the meet-up was solely for the purpose of connecting with his fans, Srimurali expressed his desire for open and candid conversations. He concluded the video with a patriotic sign-off, saying, “Let’s get together, Jai Hind.”
Srimurali, known for his roles in Kannada cinema, is currently working on the film “Bagheera,” produced by Hombale Films. The movie, directed by Suri, features a storyline provided by Dr. Prashant Neel. As the actor gears up for a unique birthday celebration, fans eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet him in person and share moments of camaraderie.