In a tragic turn of events, the film industry is grieving the loss of veteran Bollywood actor Junior Mehmood, who succumbed to cancer at the age of 67. The actor, whose real name is Naeem Syed, battled with stomach cancer in its fourth stage, with reports emerging about a month ago revealing the severity of his condition. Despite the prayers and hopes of fans, Junior Mehmood’s health deteriorated, and he breathed his last in the hospital.
Johnny Lever, a close friend of Junior Mehmood, had earlier shared a video featuring the Bollywood actor, wherein he opened up about the challenges to his health. In the heartfelt video, Junior Mehmood appealed to his fans to pray for his recovery and safe return home from the hospital. However, the news of his demise filled the film fraternity and fans with profound sadness.
The news of Junior Mehmood’s passing was confirmed by his close friend Salim Qazi. He had been on life support as his health worsened, and doctors had previously conveyed that he would not survive for more than 40 days, given the advanced stage of his cancer.
Junior Mehmood, known for his impeccable acting skills reminiscent of the legendary Bollywood comedian Mehmood, leaves behind a legacy that spans over five decades in the film industry. Making his debut at the age of 11 in 1967 with Sanjeev Kumar’s film “Naunihaal,” he embarked on a successful career, starring in numerous movies and TV serials.
Throughout his illustrious career, Junior Mehmood collaborated with acclaimed actors such as Balraj Sahni, Salman Khan, and Govinda, but he was most recognized for his remarkable on-screen chemistry with Rajesh Khanna. Notably, their film “Haathi Mere Saathi” holds a special place in the hearts of fans.
The passing of Junior Mehmood marks a somber moment in the industry, as the film fraternity and fans alike remember the actor for his contributions to cinema and his enduring impact over the years.