South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, known for his impactful role in the Oscar-winning film ‘Parasite,’ was discovered dead at the age of 48 in central Seoul in what appears to be a tragic suicide, as reported by AFP. His wife informed the authorities that the actor had left home, leaving behind what seemed to be a suicide note.
Here are five points on the actor
1: Early Life and Career
Born in Seoul in 1975, Lee Sun-kyun attended the Korean National University of Arts. He gained recognition for his performances in the medical drama ‘White Tower’ (2007) and the popular series ‘Coffee Prince’ (2007).
2: Television Success
Lee Sun-kyun became a household name in the 2010s with successful shows such as ‘Behind The White Tower,’ ‘Pasta’ (2010), and ‘My Mister’ (2018).
3: Breakthrough Role in ‘Parasite’
The actor achieved international acclaim for his portrayal of Park Dong-ik, the father of the affluent family in the critically acclaimed movie ‘Parasite’ (2019). The film earned him a Screen Actors Guild Award, along with the rest of the cast.
4: Legal Troubles
Lee Sun-kyun faced police investigation for alleged use of marijuana and other psychoactive drugs, which adversely impacted his reputation. Consequently, he was dropped from the mystery TV series ‘No Way Out,’ which commenced shooting in October, as reported by the BBC.
5: Family and Legacy
Survived by his wife and two children, Lee Sun-kyun leaves behind a legacy of impactful performances and contributions to the entertainment industry. His untimely death has shocked fans and the film community alike.
The tragic passing of Lee Sun-kyun marks the loss of a talented actor whose work left a lasting impact on the world of cinema.