In a sorrowful announcement, it has been reported that veteran Marathi actor Ravindra Berde has passed away at the age of 78. The accomplished actor had been battling throat cancer for several years and took his last breath at Tata Hospital, where he had been undergoing treatment for a few months.
Ravindra Berde, brother of the late actor Laxmikant Berde, had been brought home from the hospital just two days prior. Unfortunately, he suffered a sudden heart attack, leading to his untimely demise. The actor had been an integral part of many successful films alongside his brother Laxmikant.
Berde, who joined the world of theater in 1965 at the age of twenty, was associated with Nabhovani. His illustrious career spanned over 300 Marathi films and approximately five Hindi films, including titles like “Changu Mangu,” “Ek Gadi Baki Anadi,” “Hach Sunbaicha Bhau,” and “Pahangar,” among others. His passing has cast a pall of mourning over the film industry.
A stalwart in the Marathi entertainment scene, Ravindra Berde collaborated with prominent actors such as Ashok Saraf, Vijay Chavan, Mahesh Kothare, Viju Khote, Sudhir Joshi, and Bharat Jadhav. His versatile performances were not limited to Marathi cinema, as he also left his mark on Hindi movies like “Singham” and “Chingi.”
Despite battling cancer for many years, Berde continued to display his passion for drama. In 1995, he faced a heart attack during the play ‘Vyakti Aa Valli,’ and in 2011, he confronted a serious illness like cancer. Yet, his dedication to his craft kept him engaged in the world of theater, even during his health challenges.
Survived by his wife, two children, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, Ravindra Berde’s departure marks a significant loss to the entertainment industry. His brother, Laxmikant Berde, and cousin Purushottam Berde, both prominent figures in Marathi entertainment, mourn his passing. Despite his recent absence from the industry, Berde’s death has shocked fans and colleagues alike, with condolences pouring in on social media. The legacy of this esteemed actor will undoubtedly be remembered for years to come.