In the latest installment of “Saturday Night Live,” actor Adam Driver graced the stage as host for the fourth time, marking a return to the iconic show. Known for his diverse roles in films like “Ferrari” and collaborations with renowned directors, Driver brings his unique comedic instincts to the SNL platform.
In this episode, Driver, famous for his roles in various cinematic universes, took a break from Star Wars to promote Michael Mann’s latest movie, “Ferrari.” The film explores Mann’s recurring theme of the solitude and psychology of men at work, adding another layer to Driver’s already impressive repertoire of collaborations with esteemed auteurs.
The comedic potential of Driver, often associated with serious and award-worthy performances, was highlighted by former cast member Taran Killam, who praised Driver’s ability to grasp and execute jokes with precision. Despite his serious image, Driver has become a source of viral sketches and memes in his previous SNL appearances, showcasing a delightful comedic side.
Accompanying Driver in this episode was Gen Z sensation Olivia Rodrigo, returning as the musical guest. The mix of Driver’s seasoned hosting and Rodrigo’s youthful energy promised an entertaining night for SNL viewers.
The episode kicked off with a C-SPAN cold open, transporting the audience to a Congressional hearing featuring elite college presidents. The sketch humorously tackled academic views on anti-Semitism, with standout performances by Chloe Troast as the histrionic Elise Stefanik and Kenan Thompson as the only president willing to say yes to anything.
As the episode unfolded, SNL enthusiasts were treated to a blend of humor, satire, and musical performances. Whether Driver’s hosting would generate more viral moments and memes remained to be seen, but the anticipation and excitement for an engaging Saturday night on SNL were undoubtedly high.
Stay tuned for updates and catch the highlights from Adam Driver’s fourth turn as host on “Saturday Night Live.”