Tim Allen accused of being Grinchy on set of ‘The Santa Clauses’- It was the single worst experience!

In a recent episode of the ‘B– Sesh’ podcast, actress Casey Wilson, 43, accused veteran actor Tim Allen, 70, of exhibiting diva-like behavior during the filming of ‘The Santa Clauses’ TV show. Despite portraying the jolly St. Nick on screen, Allen’s conduct reportedly made the experience unbearable for Wilson.

Image showing Tim Allen accused of being Grinchy on set of ‘The Santa Clauses’- It was the single worst experience!

Describing it as “the truly single worst experience” she’s had with a co-star, Wilson recalled a particular scene where she was supposed to mistake Allen’s Santa character as an intruder. According to Wilson, Allen complained to a producer about her allegedly stepping on his lines, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere on set.

Wilson claimed that the entire crew seemed to be “walking on eggshells” around the sitcom star, with Allen’s alleged rudeness extending to his interactions with others. After finishing a scene, Wilson described how Allen made a curt announcement, saying, “It’s the end,” dropping his Santa cape on the floor, and promptly leaving the set.

The actress also shared an anecdote where a crew member informed her that she had witnessed Allen on a “good day,” suggesting that his behavior might have been even more challenging to deal with on other occasions.

This is not the first time Tim Allen has faced accusations regarding his on-set behavior. Earlier this year, Pamela Anderson, 56, accused Allen of flashing her on the set of the 1990s sitcom ‘Home Improvement.’ Allen denied the allegations, stating that he would “never do” such a thing.

‘The Santa Clauses’ is a sequel to Tim Allen’s ‘The Santa Clause’ film franchise, with the debut episode airing in November 2022. The recent accusations add to a growing list of incidents involving Allen’s behavior on various sets throughout his career.