Urgent Update! Indian Govt Warns of Critical Bug Threatening Chrome and Edge Users

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued a high-severity alert warning users of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers about a critical vulnerability that could enable hackers to steal sensitive data.

The bug, present in versions prior to v120.0.6099.62 for Chrome and 120.0.2210.61 for Edge, could be exploited to “obtain sensitive information, gain elevated privileges, and execute arbitrary code on the target system,” according to CERT-In. This essentially means hackers could steal passwords, financial data, and other sensitive information stored on your computer.

“These vulnerabilities exist due to ‘Use after free in Media Stream, Side Panel Search, and Media Capture; Inappropriate implementation in Autofill and Web Browser UI’,” the CERT-In advisory explains. Hackers could exploit these weaknesses by sending specially crafted requests to vulnerable browsers.

How to protect yourself

  • Update your browsers immediately: Google and Microsoft have already released patches to address the vulnerability. Update your browser to the latest version as soon as possible.
  • Be cautious about suspicious links: Don’t click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources. These could be used to deliver the malicious code that exploits the vulnerability.
  • Keep your software up to date: Regularly update your operating system and other software to ensure you have the latest security patches installed.

CERT-In’s recent warning for Samsung users

This is not the first time CERT-In has issued a security warning this week. Earlier, they flagged numerous vulnerabilities in Samsung mobile phones that could allow attackers to steal data and take control of devices. Samsung users are also advised to update their devices to the latest software to mitigate these risks.

Stay vigilant

With cyber threats constantly evolving, it’s important to stay vigilant and take proactive steps to protect your data. Updating your software regularly, being cautious about online activity, and using strong passwords are all essential steps to keep your digital life secure.