A Virginia woman named Mai Whelan has been crowned the champion of Netflix’s reality competition series “Squid Game: The Challenge.” Whelan, who competed as Player 287, emerged victorious after a nail-biting final game of rock, paper, scissors against runner-up Phill Cain.
The win comes with a grand prize of $4.56 million, which Whelan plans to use to help support her family and pursue her passion for travel.
“I’m still in shock,” Whelan said in a statement.
“I never thought I would be standing here today as the winner of Squid Game: The Challenge. I’m so grateful to Netflix for giving me this opportunity, and I’m so excited to share this prize with my family.“
In addition to announcing Whelan as the winner, Netflix also confirmed that “Squid Game: The Challenge” will be returning for a second season. Season 2 is set to debut in 2024 and will feature a new cast of contestants vying for the $4.56 million prize.
If you’re interested in competing in the next season of “Squid Game: The Challenge,” casting is now open at SquidGameCasting.com.