Will Former CM’s Chouhan and Raje Be Left Out in the Cold? BJP’s Next Move Remains Uncertain

With the BJP’s decision to appoint new faces as chief ministers in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, the fate of veteran leaders Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Vasundhara Raje hangs in the balance. Both former CMs, known for their strong regional influence, face an uncertain future amidst a generational shift in the party’s leadership.

Chouhan, a dominant figure in Madhya Pradesh politics for 18 years, has publicly stated his unwillingness to relocate to Delhi for a central government role. This stance, coupled with earlier remarks that may have displeased the party leadership, casts doubt on his immediate prospects at the national level.

Raje, a two-term CM in Rajasthan, holds considerable sway within the state BJP, despite losing power in 2018. While her age and popular support suggest the possibility of a new assignment, whether it will be within the party or the central government remains unclear.

Party sources indicate that while Chouhan and Raje remain valuable assets with significant followings, the exact nature of their future roles is yet to be determined. Some believe the central leadership will offer them suitable positions, either within the party or the central government, while others speculate that their acceptance of such roles hinges on the offerings themselves.

The future of these seasoned leaders continues to be shrouded in suspense. With the BJP’s focus on promoting a younger generation, it will be intriguing to see how the party balances its respect for experienced figures with the need for fresh leadership.