Zardari the “Political Scientist” Seeks Premiership

Headline: Asif Ali Zardari Expresses Interest in Prime Ministerial Candidacy, Discusses Political Landscape.

image showing Asif Ali Zardari

Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) President, Asif Ali Zardari, has declared his interest in vying for the position of prime minister, discussing various aspects of the political landscape in a recent interview.

Prime Ministerial Aspirations

Zardari hinted at potential candidates within his party, including Bilawal and Khursheed Shah, for the prime ministerial role. While refraining from disclosing a specific nominee, he expressed confidence that time would reveal their chosen candidate.

Past Advocacy for Bilawal

Having previously advocated for Bilawal to become the youngest prime minister of Pakistan, Zardari reiterated his support for his son during the interview.

Democracy and Transfer of Powers

Zardari, identifying himself as a political scientist, emphasized the complexity of democracy and highlighted the transfer of powers to the entire parliament during his presidency.

General Elections and Security Concerns

With general elections scheduled for Feb 8, concerns persist regarding the feasibility of conducting elections due to ongoing security issues. Zardari claimed his involvement in facilitating Shehbaz Sharif’s premiership, securing necessary support for Sharif’s election.

Rejection of Presidential System

Expressing a strong rejection of the presidential system for Pakistan, Zardari criticized the former PTI chairman for detrimental governance and alleged misleading of overseas Pakistanis. He attributed the rise of the PTI founder to a purported conspiracy by certain entities.

Alliance with PTI and Economic Crisis

Refuting the possibility of an alliance with the PTI, Zardari highlighted the practical limitations faced by his party. He stressed the need for any government to devise a comprehensive 10-year economic plan to address the economic crisis.

Appreciation for Chief Justice and Controversial Death Sentence

Zardari appreciated the chief justice regarding the pending revisiting of the controversial death sentence of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the founder of the PPP, through an 11-year-old presidential reference set to be reviewed by the Supreme Court.

Election Date and Party Dynamics

Responding to questions, Zardari stated that the election date was in the hands of the Election Commission of Pakistan, and slight adjustments did not make a significant difference. He clarified that Latif Khosa was not in the PPP, and while respecting Aitzaz Ahsan, he noted differences in political ideology.

As political dynamics evolve in preparation for the upcoming elections, Zardari’s statements provide insights into the PPPP’s strategy and perspectives on governance and leadership.;;