Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first visit to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) office in Jaipur since assuming office. During his visit, Modi met with party office-bearers and newly elected MLAs. The prime minister is also scheduled to address a conference of Directors General of Police (DGPs) and Inspectors General of Police (IGPs) from across the country, taking place in the city.
Upon his arrival at Jaipur airport, Prime Minister Modi was received by Governor Kalraj Mishra and Chief Minister Bhajan Lal, among other dignitaries. Tight security arrangements were in place as he proceeded to the BJP office.
Rajendra Rathore, a BJP leader, informed reporters that Modi would engage in interactions with party office-bearers and MLAs, concluding with a dinner. Following the meeting at the BJP office, the prime minister is set to move to Raj Bhavan, where he will spend the night.
The visit marks a significant engagement for Modi, providing an opportunity to connect with party leaders and discuss strategies, especially considering the political landscape and the upcoming challenges.